Saturday 26 March 2011

Witchcraft in Popular Culture

Season of The Witch, 2011

The Blair Witch Project, 1999

Practical Magic, 1998
The Craft, 1996

The Wicker Man, 1973

I think its important to look at witchcraft in popular culture, I have focused on films because it shows that a large majority of people worldwide watch these and are aware of the theme of withcraft, therefore will be briefly familiar the beliefs and practices which helps hint at the theme in my imagery. It is also helpful for me to gain inspiration on styling from the films and learn more about the practices myself so I am aware when taking the photographs.

'Witch' Style Fashion Photography

W Magazine

Vogue Russia, Photographed by Miguel Reveriego

German Vogue, Photographed by Alexi Lubomirski

Zink Magazine, Photographed by Julia Pogodina

Unknown Photographer

Harper's Bazaar Dec 1991, Photography by Inez van Lamsweerde & Vinoodh Matadin


Some ideas for the styling in my images. I definately want the model to be wearing black and hint at a dark theme without being obvious.

Styling by Ihunna Eberendu

Styling by Nicola Formichetti

Styling by Sebastian Kaufmann

Styling by Barbara Baumel

Styling by Anya Ziourova

Silja Magg 'Red' & 'Ponytail I'

These photographs are from two different sets of images by Silja Magg called 'Red' and 'Ponytail I'. I like the first set beacause the model really stands out from the natural environment for different reasons, she is wearing bright red clothes which stand out and contrast against the green background and she also looks completely out of place in a forest setting wearing those types of clothes, she looks really sophisticated. I feel this idea is relevant to my theme because I want the model to be posing in a natural location wearing dark/gothic style clothing to hint at the witch idea. I also like her slightly arkward poses - its like shes slightly uncomfortable, complimenting the contrast of her clothes to the location. I chose the second set of images because they remind me of freedom and look quite spiritual. The model looks ghostly because the images are blurred and she is posing in natural surroundings showing the sky and the water - this relates to the beliefs in the power of the elements that people who practice witchcraft/paganism have.

Damon Baker

I like work by Damon Baker, the images I have selected show dark themes, gothic styling and I like how the models are posing with stern expressions.